Wabnitz ENT

Aftercare Following Adenoidectomy

Return to Normal Activities

Most children are back to normal activity levels within 24 hours of surgery, although some children take a few days to recover and it is perhaps best to keep children home from child care, kindergarten, or school for a week. If possible, it is best that they stay away from anyone with a cold or infection.

General activities can be recommenced when your child feels up to it, but they should not exert themselves for the first week due to the risk of bleeding. Playing sport, swimming, heavy lifting, or rough play should all be avoided during this time.

Pain Relief

Most children have a little pain. Some children experience a sore throat, headache, or ear pain for a few days which is usually relieved with Paracetamol and/or Ibuprofen.

If any neck pain develops, particularly where the child is reluctant to turn their head, please call Dr Wabnitz’s rooms to discuss this further and/or arrange a review.


It is not unusual to have a mild fever during the first day or so after the operation, and this can be treated with Paracetamol and/or Ibuprofen. Antibiotics are routinely prescribed following Adenoidectomy (see next section on Bad Breath).

If there is a persistent fever of 38.5°C or over, please call Dr Wabnitz’s rooms to discuss this further and/or arrange a review.

Bad Breath / Malodorous Smell

This is almost universal using the newer diathermy technique. It can be surprisingly bad and although can be quite offensive to an adult that enters the child’s room, it almost never bothers the child!

Antibiotics are routinely prescribed to minimize the smell that comes from the surgical site at the back of the nose. Most children will be prescribed Augmentin – an alternative will be prescribed if they are allergic to this.

The teeth should continue to be cleaned as normal.

Snoring and Mouth Breathing

This is due to swelling of the tissues surrounding the Adenoids. There can be an associated increase in nasal secretions and general messiness of the nose. This settles quite quickly as the swelling resolves.

Avoid forceful nose-blowing for a few days after surgery.


Transient voice change is common often because pain and swelling can limit the movement of the back of the roof of the mouth (the Soft Palate). This settles as the days pass.

If the Adenoids were very big, it is possible that your child’s voice may change permanently. Parents often find that their child’s voice sounds higher-pitched. What really has happened is that the muffling effect of the Adenoids (and/or Tonsils) has been removed and the child’s voice now has increased clarity – in a sense, what you are now hearing is a truer representation of what their voice was always meant to sound like.


There should not be any bleeding from the mouth or nose after surgery, although a small amount of blood-stained mucous is acceptable. If bleeding occurs, take your child to the nearest Emergency Department or call an ambulance.

Follow Up Appointment

A follow up appointment is usually booked for 4-6 weeks after surgery.